Jay Schumacher

Jay Schumacher

Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counselor & Transformational Life Coach, CHT

Hypnotherapy, Psychological, Spiritual Work


You can meet Jay Schumacher for:


Jay Schumacher, CHt is a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Transformational Life Coach, and specialist in the field of human potential. His private practice is focused on self-realization and personal empowerment via re-education and re-integration of the conscious and subconscious mind. Formally educated in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Jay’s practice of more than 20 years is a unique synthesis of therapeutic techniques and scientific principles. It is holistic and inclusive of hypnotic regression, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), bioenergetics, and gestalt therapy to name but a few. Jay’s techniques are continually refined to embrace contemporary knowledge from neuroscience, epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and psychology. Other key components include bio/psycho accumulation and environmental optimization. Born and raised in the United States Jay has spent the last two decades traveling the world and living abroad. His work is primarily focused on individuals of influence aligned with sustainable evolution of humans and the planet. His practice tends to be focused “one on one” however he also is an educator and facilitator of group events and transformational retreats. Along with his professional practice Jay is currently involved in the creation of a unique nature-based sanctuary located deep in the Andes mountains of southern Ecuador and in his “spare time” is involved in writing a series of children’s books dedicated to healthy development of the child’s mind and brain function and nurturing the parent-child relationship. Over the recent years, Jay has slowly transitioned away from promoting himself online and working with the general public. His passion lies in cultivating the current clients and projects he has, and allowing new opportunity to find him more organically through synchronistic connection. (We were lucky to get his bio for this retreat website 🙂


Hypnosis & Beyond: Pivotal Perspectives on Human Potential and Personal Reality

Are you curious about the inner-workings of the human mind and how the patterns which constitute our personal reality are created, amplified and/or interrupted? Have you, or someone you love, ever felt: impossibly stuck, helpless, hopeless, like a victim of circumstances, un-lucky, or just not free to express the way you would most like to show-up in the world? Well, good news – change is possible! This workshop (aka a “playshop” of having fun exploring the mind) consists of a fluid blend of presentations, personally experiencing the techniques life, and Q&A. It is designed to provide participants with clear, concise information that potentiate transformation, optimal well-being, and a more harmonious collective reality. Topics of this playshop include: The Nature of Personal Reality; The Human Mind: Conscious/Subconscious/Superconscious; Mental Conditioning and Personal Transformation: how patterns that constitute one’s personal reality are constructed and/or deconstructed; Metacognition; Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: what it is and what is possible va rare insights and case studies; The Power of Perspective: The Art Observation; Life by Design: intentionally stacking potentials. Workshop length: full day.


Susan Davis, President, Capital Missions

To whom it may concern: For the first time ever, in July 2012 in Ecuador, we taught servant leaders from around the world to become Founding Organizers of what I call KINS Innovation Networks. In an 8-day workshop, 75% of the participants decided to go ahead and launch networks. This would have been impossible without the invaluable tutoring of Jay Schumacher relative to the nature of our personal reality and how the human mind works. The students gave Jay the highest possible marks, as did I, for his world-class gift of inspiring us all to create our own highest potential.

Susan Davis, President, Capital Missions


“Jay you have meant so much to me (us) in my life. I’ve only known you such a short time but you have brought SO much insight into my life and added so much value. Your work with me has been (to use a pharmaceutical term) like an extended release drug… It worked when I was doing it and it has continued working in my mind since.
I’ll never be able to thank you enough. With love and deep respect.”


J. Jackson, Psychologist, Australia

“There are very few therapists who possess the level of personal evolution necessary to guide and accompany a person through true and lasting transformation to the other side. Jay Schumacher is one such rare therapist. The man and his work are impeccable, integral and ethical. Jay creates a space for transformation that is totally safe, nurturing, empowering, confronting and expansive. He is highly talented, brilliantly skilled.

J. Jackson, Psychologist, Australia

Martina Bogado

Working with Jay has been deeply transformative and empowering. It has enabled me to gain clarity and awareness not only of my unconscious patterns and perceived limitations, but also of my values, dreams and potential. By reconnecting and making peace with myself I have come into a state of wholeness and calm. This subtle but radical shift has opened up the space for me to get still, observe and make different, more aligned choices. All of this has happened with great ease and keeps reinforcing my confidence and ability to bring about positive change.

Martina Bogado

Dr. Brian O’Leary Author, Professor, NASA Scientist, & Astronaut

Jay Schumacher is a remarkable facilitator and therapist. His knowledge of the human mind and consciousness is impressive and his ability to utilize altered states for the sake of transformation is nothing less than that of a true master.

Dr. Brian O’Leary Author, Professor, NASA Scientist, & Astronaut