Dr. Bruno Chikly
Dr. Bruno Chikly
Osteopath, Medical Doctor, & Founder of the Chikly Health Institute (CHI), MD, DO, LMT
Osteopath, Physical Body Work, Psychological

You can meet Dr. Bruno Chikly for:
Private Sessions
Dr. Chikly, MD, DO, LMT is a physician and a graduate of the medical school at Saint Antoine Hospital in France, where his internship included training in endocrinology, surgery, neurology and psychiatry. Dr. Chikly also earned the French equivalent of a Master’s degree in psychology. He extensively studied osteopathic techniques and other hands-on modalities both in Europe and in the USA. Bruno is a long-time practitioner of Aikido and other martial arts. He is an international seminar leader, lecturer and writer. He has conducted workshops and lectured in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Tunisia, UK, and the United States. Bruno is a member of the International Society of Lymphology, an associate member of the American Academy of Osteopathy and The Cranial Academy, and is a Union Institute and University Graduate College Adjunct Professor (University of Ohio) and was the recipient of the 2014 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame. He is the author of Silent Waves: The Theory and Practice of Lymph Drainage Therapy, the first extensive book published in North America on the lymphatic system.